Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Manchester 2017

I am angry. I am furious. I am boiling. Another Islamist attack. Another group of people whose lives are taken, or shattered forever for the sake of a primitive, medieval death cult.

Enough is, surely, enough?

Despite my boiling rage I think that it is very important that we react with cold reason and hard logic. In an act of fury we are no better than the monster who took the lives of concert goers in Manchester.

Europe has allowed an utterly alien fascist ideological movement to settle in the nooks and crannies of their various social groups. From there Europe has allowed the poisonous ideology to spread via radical Mosques and appeasement from our politicians, cheer led by our so-called 'progressive' elites. The ancient and varied cultures of Europe are being rapidly undermined by Islamofascism. The fruits of the greatest civilisation and culture ever to grace this planet, and I mean Western Enlightenment civilisation, are being destroyed by this ideology.

But the blame lies with, as I said above, our mealy mouthed and weak politicians and with the equally wicked form of fascism generally known as 'progressivism' or 'Social Justice-ism'.

How long are we going to stand for this?

Now, in my homeland, we have soldiers on the streets and a heightened security state. And the powers that be say 'Carry on as normal'. How the hell is that 'normal?????

We have allowed this to happen, by being afraid of being labelled 'racist' or 'islamophobic'. Once again, Islam is not a race, and to be afraid of Islam is not irrational, it is a perfectly rational fear based on long and painful experience.

I think, maybe, that people will begin to take retaliatory measure on their own, and that is understandable. The fear with that is that all remnants of the rule of law will collapse, and that can only hasten the collapse of Western Civilisation. It will also allow a wide variety of other groups, equally as frightening as Islamofascism, to emerge from the undergrowth. It will open the doors to vigilantism, vendettas and criminal activity.

So, what can we do?

We can continue to speak out, unafraid of smear attacks, and we can begin to organise in larger and larger groups who have had enough, and say so loudly.

I still fear that it won't be enough, that Western civilisation is losing this war, and it is a war, and that some form of civil war will erupt. And that will be so destructive of the very elements of Western civilisation that have made it great - liberty, reason, the rule of law, freedom of speech, economic freedom, the individual's pursuit of their own happiness, science and progress.

What do we do???????

I am angry and so very frustrated.

What do we do? It cannot go on like this.

Si vis pacem, para bellum

Carthago delenda est