Yes, I know. I go on and on about this. A lot of people, much more influential than me, go on and on about it also. But I am angry. I am frustrated. I am very sad. I am in a deep existential depression and I seriously believe that the Enlightenment project is dead, liberty is dying and before long we will be having show trials …. if we aren’t already, show trials by social media anyway.
We are living in Oceania already.
We have already got – thought crime (extreme political correctness in its many forms), thought police (the guardians of social media and the corrupt institutions of main stream media), doublethink (the application of one standard of behaviour to one group and another standard to another group), newspeak (where words like free speech have lost all meaning and been redefined), the memory hole (as history is rewritten and distorted to suit the contemporary ‘narrative’), 2+2=5 (as people are required to express belief in totally false dogma to keep their jobs, social status, even liberty), the telescreen (as we are almost all linked to the internet which is closely watched and censored by powers that have no accountability.), the two-minute hate (hell, one week hate, one month hate, one year hate – on social media primarily) non-persons (people who have breached one of the multitude and often contradictory rules who ‘disappear’ from their jobs, public life and social media).
Room 101 hasn’t, as far as I know, appeared yet. But it will I fear.
The show trials by social media will soon, I am really afraid, become a reality. One could argue that some of the judicial actions against ‘thought criminals’ come into this category already. And then how far behind come the ‘disappearing’s ’ even the executions?
Paranoid? You bet your bloody life I am paranoid – Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.
Afraid? You bet your bloody life I am afraid.
For example, has any one else experienced the following?:
When doing a Google search if the topic is a bit conservative, the top results are often nothing like what one was looking for. For example, I searched for a picture that was ‘pro-capitalist’. The vast majority of the pictures that came up were anti-capitalist.
I have experienced this when searching for serious articles dealing with topics like gender and race. Anyone else experienced this? -
I have also noticed a distinct slowing of response times when clicking on certain links – definitely slower than other, less controversial, links.
Paranoia? Maybe. Faulty internet connection? Maybe. I hope so, but I don’t know.
YouTube has recently begun a massive purge of material. People who are critical of the current ‘narrative’ are having their videos demonetised or even ‘memory-holed’.
Google now dominates, almost totally, the internet and has gathered more information on individuals (you and me) even than state organizations do. Google is a part of corporate capitalism, however, paying millions of dollars to lobby the US Congress. It can be seen as a part of the states ‘outsourcing’ of surveillance.
YES … I know they are private companies and can do what they like, and I abhor the state regulation of private companies, as some people are asking for. But they are carefully editing a ‘world view’ and the CEO has even stated that ‘making people better people’ is a goal (there is a video of him saying this, but of course I cannot find it now!)
So, what to do? Google has no real competitors at this time. Luckily, there are alternatives to YouTube appearing:
We are already living in the world of 1984. Things are not totally bleak …. yet. Although European civilization is now hanging by a very thin thread indeed, I believe that the USA is in a stronger position. At the very least, if it comes to a real fight, they have a lot of conservative people with weapons.
SO …. welcome to Oceania.