Tuesday 13 February 2018

Yet another rant

I watched a documentary last night. It doesn’t matter what it was about, but it was centred on ordinary, everyday people.

These are people who work hard to secure a better life for themselves and their families. These are the people who focus on their own lives and care about the communities in which they live. These are the people who dream of a new house, or a new car, or a holiday in Spain, and for a better life for their children. They enjoy an evening at the pub with their friends, and soap operas on TV, a game of football or a day at the seaside. They are generally very tolerant too, in a focused sort of way.

I am the son of one of these people. I grew up in their world … MY world.

They, generally, care about their country.

I hope that I am not condescending because I don’t mean to be.

These are the people who make our civilisation possible. They are the people who extract the raw materials, produce the goods, ensure that the sewers work, the water supply, and the electricity supply. These are the people on whose shoulders the greatest civilisation on earth stands.

Yes, they can be a bit uncouth at times, maybe even violent occasionally. But without them, the most basic foundations of our Western societies would not function.

They focus in on their own lives, the lives of their children, and their communities. They do not have the time, money or inclination to be too concerned about ‘greater issues’ in general.

But they are also the people who, through voluntary political work in draughty halls, helped to establish the right of people to the basic liberties of life.

They are the people who, over the centuries, lived the ‘nasty, brutish and short’ lives that have been the lot of the vast majority of people for most of history.

They are, to overgeneralise, the ‘working classes’.

And in this ‘enlightened’ day and age these very people, the salt of the earth, are being subject to an assault on who they are. They are despised and insulted by their so-called ‘betters’. Even by the very political parties that are supposed to represent them and their interests.

A certain group of people who live in a privileged bubble, despise The People. These are the so-called intellectual and educated in our societies. The 3rd (or is it 4th?) generation so-called feminists, the SJWs, the progressives, the ‘enlightened’ politicians and leaders of the intellectual, business, cultural and 'entertainment' world.

And I despise them.

These ‘progressives’ get up each morning and expect the light to come on when they flick the switch. They expect the water to flow out of their taps. They expect the toilet to flush and take their crap away. They expect the vast range of fancy foods to be readily available in the supermarkets. And they complain and whine like children if this fails in some minor way.

Who the fuck do they think provides these services?????

The ‘progressives’ attack the very people who make their life possible. The ordinary working class helped to create, and help to maintain, a civilisation that has the resources and time to give these people a comfortable bubble in which to live, the meaningless University degrees they take, the ridiculous jobs that they can find, or create.

They are incredibly privileged.

And yet they selfishly and egoistically attack the foundation of the civilisation that supports them. They are eating it up and producing nothing that contributes to it.

They come along with ‘Don’t do this, don’t do that’, ‘Think like this and not like that’, ‘Oh my god all those disgusting pleasures and pastimes must be destroyed’, ‘Do this, do that’. And so on and on and bloody well on.

They see the working class, especially the white working class (those fascist, racist, Nazi, sexist, Islamophobic scum), as their enemies and they cannot tolerate that there are other human beings who think differently to them. They must destroy the pleasures of the working classes and try to control their beliefs and thoughts.

Luckily, they are a tiny group that, hopefully, will eat each other in the race to the bottom of the oppression Olympics. There are some signs of that already. I hope that they will do that before they have totally destroyed civilisation. They are, as I said, a tiny minority, but a tiny minority who have acquired enormous influence with the political, cultural and business ‘elites’.

Their rigid, ignorant and black-and-white way of thinking is creating an ideological divide in society. It is creating a split between the ‘enlightened’ and the ‘unenlightened’, as they see it. Luckily for them, so far the working classes, basically, don’t give a shit about them, in fact, laugh at them and their endless search for things to be oppressed by and triggered by. However, I don’t know how long that will hold. There are some signs of a growing resistance from the working classes.

And I have not mentioned the progressives love affair with everyone and everything that is NOT white and Western. That is a big topic on its own, and it is deeply resented by the ordinary people who, for example, have seen their daughters gang-raped by groups of Islamic youths and about which the authorities did nothing … for fucking years! And, even now, it is a topic not really to be talked about, best avoided, it might be racist!

I do not know how this will end, but I fear that it will not be good. I hope that the ordinary people finally say ‘Enough is enough’ There are some examples of this already, in my homeland, the UK, and in Europe. I hope, really hope, that it ends before civilisation ends.

At least, I may well be dead and gone by then. But, I fear for the next generation.

Note written on 24.2.2021

I was, at the time that I wrote this, somewhat over-optimistic, I think, about the eventual collapse of what we now call 'wokeness'. It has eaten at a frightening speed into the institutions and organisations of our civilisation. I am much more pessimistic now.


NB: The picture is Work (1852–65) by Ford Madox Brown.


"Goodbye Cruel World"

Goodbye cruel world
I'm leaving you today

Goodbye all you people
There's nothing you can say
To make me change my mind

Pink Floyd, The Wall (1979)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

Islam delenda est

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